By Allyson Bishop
A small girl danced around the room in her blue, glittering Cinderella dress; pretending to be in a world of her own. The world was hers to create, to own, and to mold. The little village of Daisy town was being pillaged by angry bandits and Princess Sophie and her best friend Saphira were setting out to save them on their majestic white horses.
The only noise heard as they galloped through the Joyless Forest was the sound of the hooves on the wooded floor. Clomp. Clomp. Clomp. The brave Princess and her companion raced to save their suffering people. After riding for miles through the forest they came upon the burning village, filled with their suffering people. Princess Sophie dismounted from her horse, drew her wand, and got to work turning the bandits into frogs and showering the fires with glitter to extinguish the flames. Along with her companion, the Princess had saved the village. The no longer suffering people let out a triumphant shout and started dancing for joy.
A bang went off in the other room and the girl went still. Complete silence rang throughout the house as if caught in time, frozen like a picture.
The girl was next on the open sea, dressed in pirate slacks with a curved sword on her side and a three-pointed hat. Her dark eyes glancing at the horizon, face held back as her lungs took the sea air slowly. In and out. In and out. When a call came out. “Ship ahead! Ship ahead! They don’t look nice either.”
First mate Saphira was trusty and dependable. Captain Sophie trusted her every word, especially when it came to other pirates or pillagers. The crew was soon rushing around getting the cannons and their guns ready. All the while Captain Sophie was overlooking them, calmly ordering one shipmate to do one thing or another. The daunting ship was getting closer and closer to Captain Sophie, First mate Saphira, and the crew. Finally, the enemy came close enough for Captain Sophie’s eyes to meet with the dread Captain Bobby.
His dark eyes stared her down and his face contorted into an ugly snarl.
Shouting finally erupted from the other room, and a man and a woman with dark eyes burst into the room. The woman walked over to the little girl and passed her frantically pulling clothes out of drawers and tossing them on the ground. The man stared at both girls with a snarl, as the woman dragged the girl away, tiny suitcase in hand and ragged princess dress still on.
Captain Sophie and her crew battled the Dread Captain Bobby’s ship until dawn. The battle seemed endless when Captain Sophie came up with a plan. When noon came, smoke started coming out of the bottom of the Dread Captain Bobby’s ship, and as his crew ran around trying to put it out, Captain Sophie and her ship took off. Into the open ocean and she was free.